Unusual Puppy Names
After Your Favorite Foods...
And Your Dogs

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If you and your pup love food, then these unusual puppy names might be just what the chef ordered.

Dog and cat pull a midnight raid

Surprisingly enough there's so many good food dog names to choose from that your plate will soon be overflowing with unusual ideas. So what's the best way to approach a page that lists ideas after various foods? First we suggest you and your pup refrain from reading this list on an empty stomach, as you probably won't get more than half way before you get hungry. Second, when you come to a few interesting ideas, call them out to your pooch, not only will you be able to tell what his or her favorite foods are by their response, but maybe that might be a good choice to call your pal.

Also, some additional food for thought, if you don't find any tasty ideas here, a trip to your pantry shelves with all it's variety of different foods could very well offer tasty and unusual ideas that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

Here's Our Unusual Food Dog Names

Ambrosia: Creamy fruit salad that your grandmother made

Apple: Good for Gwenyth's baby, good for your furry baby

Bacon: Cured meat, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner

Bagel: An unusual title for a Beagle

Basil: Aromatic herb often used in Italian cooking

Bean(s): An unusual name for a gassy canine

Benedict: After eggs Benedict

Biscuit: With or without gravy

Blondie: A light version of a brownie, perfect for a blonde canine

Blueberry: Small round fruit, great in muffins

Bon Bon: Great pick for a sweet little brown breed

Brie: Delicious French cheese

Brownie: Perfect choice if your pal has a brown coat

Burrito: Large tortilla filled with meat and wrapped up

Butters: An unusual puppy name for a pudgy pooch

Butterscotch: Made from butter and brown sugar

Candy: Cute if your pal is sweet

Cappuccino: Perfect for your pal that's by your side each morning

Caramel: An unusually sweet choice for a brown canine

Caesar: Perfect for the Emperor of your household

Hungry Chihuahua

Chai: A spicy tea drink

Cherrio: Cereal name for a friendly dog

Cherry: Your Cherry is sweeter than ice cream

Chip: A salty snack

Chocolate: Sweet idea if your buddy is brown

Chorizo: A type of Mexican sausage, cute pick for a Chihuahua

Churro: A sugar and cinnamon Mexican dessert

Ciabatta: A type of Italian bread

Cinnamon: An aromatic spice

Clove: Another aromatic spice

Cocoa: Perfect if your girl/boy is unusually sweet

Coconut: Ideal for a brown canine that's a bit crazy

Coffee: Perfect for your pal that is by your side each morning

Cookie: For a sweet pup with a bit of an attitude

Couscous: North African grain dish

Crouton: Your pal is the perfect topping to the salad of life

Cupcake: A unique fit for a canine with a sweet personality

Dumpling: An endearing title for your cutie

Espresso: Unusual and fitting for the high strung quadruped

Flapjack: A thick pancake, fun choice for an acrobatic poochie

Fudge: Chocolate goodness

Garbanzo: A type of bean, great idea for a small dog

Sweet loving French Bulldog

Ginger: Good if your pal has a red coat

Gingersnap: A ginger-based snack, fun pick for a reddish pup

Grits: Southern breakfast food, served sweet or savory

Gravy: Unusual puppy name for a saucy pup

Habanero: Unusual puppy name for a spicy pooch

Hambone: For the canine that makes you laugh

HoHo: Dessert snack, for the puppy that loves Christmas

Honey: For your sweet pal that's a buzzzz to bee around

Honeydew: Even if you tell it honey don't

Hotdog: Good for long canine, or one with an attitude

Jalapeno: Unusual choice for a canine with a spicy personality

Kiwi: Fruit from New Zealand, unique for a small pooch

Lambchop: A cut of meat, also the name of a beloved puppet

Mango: An unusual puppy name for your high spirited pal

Meatball: A for the pup whose owner is Italian

Mocha: Great sweet choice for a brown puppy

Muffin: An unusual choice for a little pooch

Newton: As in fig newton and Issac Newton

Noodle(s): Oldest known noodle is 4,000 years old (28,000 in dog years)

Overweight dog

Nugget: Not a natural chicken part

Nutmeg: Aromatic spice used in sweet and savory dishes

Olive: Also Popeyes love interest

Omelet: For the pup that's a mixture of everything

Peaches: For a pooch that likes to dig pits

Peanut: Unusually cute for a little pup

Pecan: A type of nut, originally an Algonquian word

Pepper: Fun food dog name for a black canine

Peppermint: For the pup with a refreshing personality

Pickles: We called our first puppy Pickles

Popcorn: For the pooch with a explosive personality

Pretzel: An unusual pick for a very flexible brown canine

Pringle: A brand of chips that comes in a can

Puddin: A sweet endearing title

Pumpkin: None can compare to your Pumpkin

Sage: Wise title for a wise guy/girl pooch

Salsa: An unusual choice for a spicy pup

Saucy: Good for the girl that's a natural flirt

Spam: For the pooch that's a little this and a little that

Sugar: Unusual pick for a sweet white pup

Sushi: Great if you love this Japanese faire

Toffee: Candy made from caramelized sugar

Tofu: Unusual choice for a white puppy

Tootsie: After the Tootsie Roll, fun pick for a little pooch

Twinkie: A sweet snack cake invented in 1930

Wonton: A Chinese appetizer

Even More Unique Ideas Here...  

hungry dog picture

For Males: Titles he'll be proud to answer to
For Females: Here's a title she'll be proud of
Doggone Unique: Creative ideas for pups
Cool Ideas: Help your pooch find it's groove
By Color And Size:  After your pals size or color

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